Monday, 28 December 2015

New Year Goals

So it has nearly been a month since I wrote a blog post. I am totally out of touch. I also want to try and explain but not make excuses. First of all I lost my blogging mojo I was reading a lot of great blogs and comparing mine which meant I didn't want to write for a while. Secondly I work in catering this means over christmas fewer days off and on my days off I just wanted to see my family. So as you see a month has just flown by.

I just wanted to thank people for reading or finding my little corner of the internet in 2015. I have loved writting little snippets of my year and reviews of new products. I hope you have enjoyed reading.

What I aim to do in 2016 is to blog once a week or so and keep my blog going. This means stop comparing myself to others and enjoy what I am doing.

My new years resolutions are to get healthier and learn spanish so expect updates on these on the blog.

I've had such fun in 2015 and I hope to have an even better 2016.

So from me to you happy new year and I will see you in 2016.