Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Kiko Campus Idol range

                        Last month I attended Hull bloggers meet up where we were all gifted goody bags. To my surprise there were a lot of Kiko products in my goody bag. Kiko is a brand that I have wanted to try for a long time, their new range especially.

The new range is called campus Idol and screams American cheerleaders to me. The logo and colour scheme is cute and playful and eye catching.

What I received.

The first thing I noticed was the larger box which is a beautiful purple. This is Kikos  new face brush. No word of a lie this is the softest brush I have ever felt. The colours are bright and vibrant the orange handle and purple/pink tip stand out. I have been using this brush everyday to powder my face. Although we received this brush for free I can not see it on their Campus Idol range on their website.

Isn't it pretty.

                                Pump it up mascara volume and curl I know this mascara retails at £6.20

Now the packaging for the mascara I am not a huge fan of. the white chunky tube is always getting mucky, however the product I love. The first few times I tried the wand I wasn't sure about how to maximise the effects. The kind of 8 shaped wand is unusual. Now that I have grasped how to use the wand I see the effects of the mascara and actually love it. Normally I go for lengthening mascaras but this gives me lashes that are thick and black and stand out. Thank you Kiko.

chic Geranium

soft Hydrangea
I also received two urban sheen lipgloss. These retail at around £3.40.
I have only tried out the darker pink which is called Chic Geranium. the gloss itself feels smooth and applies easily from the crayon. the colour was buildable which I like as I don't normally wear bright pinks. These also have good staying power which is unusual for a gloss.
If you are interested in trying anything from the campus range the link to Kiko is Here.
Have you ever tried any kiko products?
which are your favourites?
(these products were given to me but all opinions are my own)
Until next time xoxo.


  1. Ohhh Ive been thinking about trying Kiko. I think you've just convinced me.

  2. Yeah I love the lip liner and lip stick combo they do to :)

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